Emotional Intelligence
Utilize hypnosis to communicate with the unconscious mind, the source of emotions
We provide a wide range of self hypnosis audios to assist you in developing emotional intelligence in order to get along better with others, feel more satisfied with yourself, and achieve more in life.
Our emotions are a fundamental aspect of who we are as human beings. Despite this, we are not consciously aware of our emotions. We respond instantly, subconsciously, and total body/mind to the events occurring around us in the present moment. It is commonly believed that emotions precede thought. We construct rationalizations for our feelings following an event in our conscious mind.
However, this does not mean that your emotions have full control over you.
We are motivated to act by our emotions and to ensure that our basic needs are met. When you comprehend this function and you comprehend what your core needs really are, you can bring together your conscious and unconscious efforts to maximize your potential. You reduce the internal conflict that makes life so difficult.
It follows that when inner conflicts are reduced, outer relationships will also become more harmonious. You can achieve this by developing emotional intelligence.