Bad Habits
These gentle, permissive hypnosis sessions can help you break those bad habits
Compulsive behaviors are often difficult to overcome, and often people are surprised at the difficulty. In their minds, it is all a matter of willpower, and they tell themselves that when they decide not to do that any longer, that will be the end of their problems. Therefore, it comes as a shock to them when they discover that their old habits have crept back into their habits.
When you understand that irritating habits result from unconsciously perceived needs, you can begin to change them when you realize that you have to deal with them at the unconscious level.
With hypnosis, the unconscious levels can be accessed, allowing you access to all the automatic behaviors that are set up without your awareness. All those things you do subconsciously but are not aware of until afterward. In this way, you can easily establish a new set of behaviors that will better meet your needs – and more effectively meet them – and finally end the practice of bad habits forever.